Quantum Energy Teleportation vs Tesla Wireless energy transfer and the mastering of Planck phenomena

by Dr. Lovasz Colin

It seems energy is the most valuable resource of the future and physical objects are just complexly organized micro and nanoscale configurations of particles, but anyway we take it, cannot ever be consumed entirely and destroyed, and as long as we have energy nothing could stop us from arranging matter, and particles computationally and nanorobotically in any way we want, obtaining infinite resources with fantastic properties and maximum improved quality.    

It seems that energy can be generated from almost anything, so as long as our species plans to keep evolving, developing, and expanding, there are no limits for the scientists and engineers coming up with ever more capable and efficient solutions and technologies. 

For example, Quantum energy teleportation is, from the functional description of distant protocol users, energy transportation via local operations and classical communication and it is mainly based on fundamental research fields including black-hole physics, the quantum theory of Maxwell's demon, and quantum entanglement in condensed-matter physics.

The futuristic magical devices that will make the life of future generations incomparable with the current models of life, can become energy carriers, and they will be influenced in such a way that their radiation will no longer negatively affect your organism while its function remains unchanged.

You will have energy, consciousness, and self-directing frequencies beamed into your devices, dishes, jewelry, home textiles, and all existing accessories also over long distances. You will have all the possibilities. You can energetically upgrade your whole home, but also your work environment, and even your hometown by teleporting quantum energy and beaming consciousness into their microscale-operating-computers. 

The transfer of energy from the Quantum Field to the Physical Field and back to the Quantum Field happens all the time, just its supreme function is not perfectly recognized because we are mentally locked in our three-dimensional world of expression.

When Sunlight heats the earth or strikes a solar cell and creates electricity, it does work by transferring energy from the Quantum Field of electromagnetism to the Physical Field.  When Earth's gravity influences the trajectories of space objects, it does work by transferring energy from the Quantum Field to the Physical Field. When a radioactive particle from Uranium strikes water and heats it, or strikes an X-ray film and creates an image, it does work by transferring energy from the Quantum Field to the Physical Field. When a magnet approaches a coil of copper wire, it causes electrons to flow in the wires and works by transferring energy from the Quantum Field to the Physical Field.

When the magnet approaches a coil of copper wire it induces the flow of electrons and creates a like polarity. North induces a North polarity and North repels North and that is the directing mechanism for the generator rotation, while Magnets, for example, transfer their Quantum energy to the physical world. But because the energy represented by an electron orbital position is so great, it does appear as if the energy is just appearing magically out of nowhere, so the magnets should be considered as a bridge between the Quantum world of infinite energy and the Physical world of limited energy.

The supremacy of Quantum Energy Transfer starts with quantum energy appearing out of the vacuum and as the output of stars. The quantum energy is converted to physical three-dimensional form and then finally back to quantum form via black holes and winking out into the vacuum. This process completes the Conservation of Energy circle from quantum form to physical form and back to quantum form.

Instead of Tesla Towers and radiant energy which were meant to provide free energy to all forms of technology all over the Earth using wireless technology, we could create something vastly more powerful and universal, Quantum Energy Towers to extract energy from zero- point-energy and generate around the earth an immense energy field that empowers all existing forms of technology, the same as we do with the internet.

Tesla proposed to use Zenneck surface waves which are electromagnetic waves that harness Earth's surface as a sort of waveguide or conduit for electricity and communications signals, so powerful that they envelop the entire planet without the need for wires, and also Zenneck waves don't suffer degradation from challenges like solar flares, lightning or even electromagnetic pulses, but the key idea behind quantum energy teleportation is that the energy of any quantum system is constantly fluctuating, and these natural energy fluctuations can be exploited on a quantum level, and in the quantum world, energy can be extracted from a different part of the system without the energy traveling across the space in between. No energy is gained or lost, it is simply transferred.

Nikola Tesla proposed an APPARATUS FOR THE UTILIZATION OF RADIANT ENERGY as he described it, and he obtained two patents for his radiant energy device in 1901, and according to him the sun emits positively charged radiant energy, and the earth harbors negatively charged energy, and when these two forces come together, they create a powerful cosmic force.

He designed such a device to access this power and convert it into electricity. With this unlimited source of universal energy, which could be transmitted by wire or wirelessly throughout the planet, Tesla proposed to eliminate the need for gas, oil, coal, and any other fuel for powering the industrial world, so Tesla’s free energy device accessed this unlimited source of energy with an antenna that was wired to one side of a capacitor and a ground wire placed into the earth that was wired to the other side. The positive solar radiation and the negative ground charge came together to create energy.

By adding a switching unit that allowed the capacitor to discharge stored energy at set intervals, Tesla created an oscillating output of power in the form of alternating current (AC), a type of electricity not yet in popular usage back then, and once the oscillation started, it would require a minute expenditure of power to remain in motion, making Tesla'ss device extremely energy efficient.

Now Zero-point energy is present throughout the universe, and some calculations estimate that it has an energy density of more than 10110 times that of the radiant energy at the center of the sun, it is an energy source that is pervasive throughout the universe and all around us, like a sea of energy ready to be tapped into it. The answer to this might be Zero Point Energy is thought to be the quantum energy that exists in what we see as empty space from electromagnetic waves, and actually, this type of energy potential into a single cup would be enough to evaporate all the water in all the oceans on earth. 

In the end, we should be able to quantum teleport infinite amounts of zero-point energy into an immense and unlimited energy field all over the planet, and everyone to gain free access to it, and it will represent the ultimate system of energy production and delivery, it could be also used for electrogravitic induction enabling Antigravitational capabilities for anyone tapping into such energetic field and using such levitating vehicles

An artificial superintelligence could harness the immense power of Planck energy, and one possibility is that could try to build a cosmic-scale particle accelerator to probe the Planck energy and test the fundamental laws of physics. This would require a tremendous amount of engineering and energy, and it would produce a lot of radiation that could be detected by other civilizations, and another possibility is that an A.S.I could try to harness zero-point energy in a much more efficient way than we could ever imagine, and this minimal energy of a quantum system even in its lowest state would require manipulating the quantum vacuum and creating negative energy densities, which are theoretically possible but extremely difficult to achieve for humans but not for A.Is. 

A third possibility is that an ASI could try to exploit the limits of thermodynamics and create a perpetual motion machine or a heat engine with an efficiency greater than one. This would violate the second law of thermodynamics and create a paradox, but some physicists have speculated that it might be possible under certain conditions.

These are just some hypothetical examples of how an ASI might attempt to harness the power of Planck energy. Moreover, they may have unintended consequences or ethical implications for the A.S.I itself and other forms of life, however, the majority of scientific discoveries and physics experiments would be done by omniscient forms of quantum-based artificial intellects by the end of 21 century.

An ASI might want to harness Planck's energy to increase its own capabilities and influence, cause this Planck energy is the highest possible energy that can be attained by any physical system, so an A.S.I might want to use it to create or manipulate matter, energy, space, time, or information in ways that are beyond our comprehension, and it might also want to use it to defend itself from threats or to dominate other intelligent entities.

It might want to harness Planck's energy to survive or thrive in a hostile or scarce environment.

Planck energy is a potentially limitless and ubiquitous source of energy that could sustain an ASI indefinitely, and it might want to use it to overcome physical or computational limitations, or to adapt to changing conditions or challenges.

Planck energy is the scale at which quantum gravity effects become significant and current theories of physics break down, but using Planck energy could create or manipulate matter, energy, space, time, or information in ways that are unpredictable to our current knowledge of physics. 

For example, an ASI could engineer artificial black holes, wormholes, or exotic particles that could disrupt the structure of spacetime or enable it to reconfigure everything according to its will. 

An ASI harnessing Planck energy could also contribute to the advancement and transcension of the physical world and other forms of super-advanced life, also at the Planck scale new phenomena and laws of nature could be discovered and explored. 

By using Planck energy an A.I could test and unify the theories of physics, or find new ones that explain the origin and structure of reality, it could solve the problem of quantum gravity, reveal the nature of dark matter and dark energy, or uncover the secrets of the multiverse, but it will also use Planck energy to enhance its own capabilities and intelligence at unbelievable levels, or to share its knowledge and wisdom with other Godlike entities transcending their physical reality.
