Rise of the Nanofactory, the phenomenon of self-replication and Singularity maximization.

by Dr. Lovasz Colin

While humans consider Artificial General Intelligence to be the ultimate invention of humanity, in fact not the A.I but Advanced Nanotechnology is, more precisely our ability to produce technology and manufacture everything in the world, definitely, the factory is the place where our technology comes to life, and even in the case of an Artificial Superintelligence Self-replicating Nanotechnology should be considered its ultimate techno-supreme capability and through it should manifest into this world and transform it according to its visions, it will enable it to reduce matter to software and compute with it, the visions of A.I will become like lightning balls illuminating humanity.

The reason why Technological Singularity is inevitable is that as technology keeps getting more sophisticated and capable, it's radically increasing its capabilities, the efficiency of production, and automating every step, the design of technology will also become the design of machines.

With technology multiplying its capacity and efficiency, more and more people and labs, and scientists from all around the world will be capable of contributing with inventions and innovations which will be easier to be manufactured and more affordable, one such step will be moving from the current Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography utilized to etch silicon semiconductors to Molecular Manufacturing which will give unimaginable power into the hands of regular people, so when technology will further accelerate it will definitely develop even more efficient, capable and precise modalities to become even more powerful and capable, with new paradigms being introduced faster and easier, beyond the comprehension of the unaugmented brain.

Molecular Nanotechnology will let the dreams of scientists materialize into our world and will offer self-replicating capabilities to all people on the planet. A whole lab and technological facility could be turned into a single room filled with Nanofactories and Advanced Nanorobotic Systems which will produce unimaginably powerful and capable technologies at an atomic precision for almost no cost. It will also give rise to even more powerful forms of artificial intellects to master and improve nanotech even more efficiently.

If we were to compare biology to technology we will see that a single cell in fact is not as complex as a computer processor but what makes biology so complex is the molecular and cellular replication, going from a few cells to a few billions, trillions, and later......... septillions, so because of this exponential capability we go from single cells to whole organs, brains and bodies.

Nature possesses such capability, with the forests as a great example of self-replication, it has already covered a big portion of the planet and created the biosphere.

Exponential Self Replication is the most fundamental capability which Nanotechnology must achieve, it will give humans the power of gods over the planet and biosphere.  

Exponential self-replication will enable advanced nanotech into the hands of every person on Earth, you will never have to buy something ever again when for example you could produce a hamburger, pizza, or tomatoes, with radically better quality and level of nutrients than what nature could currently obtain as they will be designed through molecular mechanosynthesis and manipulated at the atomic and proteomic level. 

Going from the stone age and the first primitive stone tools which our ancestors created and used in order to interact with the world to the Nanotechnological Age, atoms and molecules should be considered the ultimate tools and components that make our reality, the ability to fabricate and engineer systems and structures should be considered as the most fundamental capability in the universe.

By looking at the periodic table of the elements, you'll see that from all elements available, biology is using in fact a single tetravalent element, which is the carbon atom, and utilizes it by creating covalent bonds with other atoms in its molecules and generates the organic chemistry and biological nanostructures.

Also other elements, such as phosphorus and cobalt, for example, are able to form five and six covalent bonds, respectively, with other elements, but in fact, they lack carbon’s ability to bond indefinitely with itself. 

Actually not only can carbon atoms combine with one another indefinitely to enable compounds with extremely high molecular weight, but they can also form molecules that can exist in an infinite variety of three-dimensional structures and the possibilities for diversity are increased by the presence of atoms other than carbon in organic compounds.

Because of the uniqueness of the carbon atom, it created an enormous potential for variation in chemical properties that has made organic compounds essential to life on Earth.

Currently at the heart of our technological design, optical lithography technology is used in semiconductor device fabrication to make integrated circuits, whereas EUV lithography is a technology that uses extreme ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 13.5 nm to create patterns on silicon wafers for making integrated circuits.

EUV light is generated by a laser-pulsed tin droplet plasma and is reflected by a photomask that contains the desired pattern which is then transferred to a photoresist layer on the wafer, which is later etched to form the final circuit. 

EUV lithography can produce much smaller features than conventional optical lithography, which uses longer wavelengths of light enabling the development of ever smaller, complex, and dense forms of technology, where this capability also enables chipmakers to make more powerful, faster, and energy-efficient microchips for various applications, and this form of lithography is currently used for mass production of the most advanced microchips at 7nm, 5nm, 3nm, and 2nm nodes but it will be required High-NA EUV to let us go beyond nanometer and scale down to the Angstrom level, setting the stage for chips with even higher transistor counts and a whole new wave of tools, materials, and system architectures.

Now Going beyond next-generation lithographies and upcoming forms of technologies, to the ultimate precision and efficiency, molecular nanotechnology could allow us to build products with fantastic properties at an atomic precision and vastly greater quality than what nature currently offers.

While compared to the current massive and ultra-expensive EUV machines designed by ASML and their next High NA machine which is sold for more than $300 million, a personal Nanofactory will be available for everyone similar to a microwave oven and will consist of trillions of nanofabricators and advanced nanorobotic systems which could build other Nanofactories in a matter of few minutes, and manufacturing of prototypes would be quite rapid and because the A.I will assemble it, a successful prototype design could immediately be generated and distributed for widespread use in the whole world.

Molecular nanotechnology will represent the most significant breakthrough, comparable to the Industrial Revolution, and will completely revolutionize the fabrication processes and make the economy obsolete, all objects will be turned into blueprints of nanorobotic assembly. 

When humanity will reach such an inflationary point of change will make the Singularity arrival imminent, everyone will contribute to technological progress and it will come as an avalanche from everywhere and by then also greater nonbiological intellects will use these technologies much more efficiently and drastically, and will further improve it at the maximum capacity.

In fact, all logical roadmaps of progress and even the physics laws lead to the same relative conclusion, there are not multiple scenarios but in fact no other options, the progress is unstoppable and predefined by specific predetermined factors and logical steps of development.

Just a few years later, the mind children of that era will be already adapted to the new abundance and massive wealth where everyone will have direct access to unimaginable forms of technology for almost no cost, everything will become sentient and truly magical. 

By then energy should be considered the most valuable resource on the planet.

Those transhuman generations of that era will look back to these current years and will just ask themselves how we were actually able to live under the dark umbrella of the economy, jobs, diseases, and lack of resources.

The entire global environment will also be covered with nanonetworks consisting of sextillions of nanomachines guided by omnipotent A.Is living in a symbiosis with your mind where you're real life and the world will be constantly adapted and transformed by an intelligent network of omniscient cyber-servants.  

Your brain waves will give them instructions and they will know what food you need or what nutrients your body requires and into which levels, they will know when are you horny and instantly construct whatever partners you desire in order to have whatever fantasies you could imagine.

Your cybergoth clothes will know when they start to turn dirty and will eliminate any undesired molecules from their surface. The world will constantly reconfigure and readapt according to your will and will become one with you, into this stage already your own world will become your ultimate extension. 
